A Guide to Getting a Business Number in New Brunswick

Starting a business in New Brunswick can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also requires some paperwork.

One of the most important documents you will need when setting up your business is a business number.

This article will provide a step-by-step guide to getting your business number in New Brunswick.

Step 1 – Register Your Business in New Brunswick

The first step to obtaining a business number in New Brunswick is registering your business with the province’s Business Registration Office (BRO).

You can do this online or by mail.

Be sure to include all relevant details about your company, including your name, address, type of business, and any partners or directors involved.

Step 2 – Get Your GST/HST Number

Once you have registered your business, you will need to obtain a Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) number from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

You’ll need this for filing taxes and claiming tax credits.

You can register for your GST/HST number online or through the CRA’s My Business Account portal.

Step 3 – Apply for Your Business Number

Once you have registered with the BRO and obtained your GST/HST number from the CRA, you are ready to apply for your business number.

You can apply online using their secure website or by calling 1-888-NB-REGISTRY (1-888-627-3447).

When applying for your business number, make sure that you have all of the necessary information on hand such as your legal name, contact information, GST/HST number, date of incorporation, and other pertinent details about your company.

It may take up to two weeks for processing so be sure to plan accordingly!

Getting Your Business Number

Getting a business number in New Brunswick is easy once you know what steps are required!

All it takes is registering with the BRO, getting a GST/HST number from the CRA, and applying for your specific business number through NB Registry Services website or by phone call.

Once you have followed these steps correctly, you should expect to receive your new business number within two weeks!

With it in hand, setting up shop in New Brunswick, whether for a large or small business has never been easier!

Author: newbrunswick

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