what is the average salary in new brunswick

Salaries in New Brunswick

The median salary for people living in New Brunswick, Canada is $39,584.75 per annum. This equates to an average wage of $21.82 per hour or $10.07 per hour depending on how you want to work it out. People who work as retail salespersons typically make just over this amount at a median wage of $41,000 (or up to around $24 an hour).

Salaries in New Brunswick’s Cities and Towns

The highest salary levels in New Brunswick are found in Saint John and Fredericton, with median salaries of around $46,000 per year. The lowest salaries are found in Miramichi and Edmundston, where people make around $32,000 annually. Moncton and Bathurst have median salaries of around $40,000 per year. Salaried individuals who live in rural areas typically earn less than their urban counterparts.

Popular Industries for People Living in New Brunswick

Those who choose to live and work as registered nurses or medical practitioners have a good chance at earning a high salary because these professions typically require a post-secondary education (which is expensive). While a registered nurse in New Brunswick may make $50,000 per year, a medical practitioners will make $70,000 or more. People who work in office administration generally don’t make as much, and those who choose to work as performing artists or related occupations typically only earn around $10-$20 per hour on average.

How to Make More Money Working in New Brunswick

For people living in New Brunswick who also want to earn more money working and living here, there are many ways they can do this. One of the best ways to earn more money is to move out to the city, where there are higher pay rates. Another advantage of living in the city is that there are better job opportunities available, and you can find work faster. People who choose to move out to Fredericton or Saint John earn about $12,000 more per year than people who remain in Moncton or Bathurst.

Author: newbrunswick

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