Where to Find Beach Glass in New Brunswick

There are few things more satisfying than gathering a handful of smooth, cool beach glass.

The sound it makes as you rub two pieces together invokes a feeling that is hard to describe, but for anyone who has experienced it, the elation of finding beach glass is unforgettable. Most people associate the term “beach glass” with polished blue or green glass from bottle.

But there are many other types of beach glass out there waiting to be found by eager treasure hunters and collectors.

In this article, we’ll go over where to find beach glass in New Brunswick!

Where to Find Beach Glass in New Brunswick

New Brunswick  is known for its stunning beaches and abundance of beach glass.

Some popular locations for finding beach glass in New Brunswick include Parlee Beach Provincial Park, the Bay of Fundy, and Kouchibouguac National Park.

Grand Manan Island and the Fundy Trail Parkway are also great options for beachcombing and discovering beautiful pieces of beach glass.

Parlee Beach Provincial Park

Located in Shediac, Parlee Beach Provincial Park is one of the most popular beaches in New Brunswick.

The beach is known for its fine sand and clear water, but it’s also a great spot for finding beach glass.

The best time to search for beach glass is after a storm, as the waves tend to wash up more pieces onto the shore.

Bay of Fundy

The Bay of Fundy is a large body of water that stretches along the coasts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

The bay is known for its high tides, which can reach up to 16 meters (52 feet) in some areas.

The beaches along the bay are a great place to find beach glass, especially after a storm or during low tide.

Some popular beaches include Hopewell Rocks, Cape Enrage, and New River Beach.

Kouchibouguac National Park

Located on the east coast of New Brunswick, Kouchibouguac National Park is a popular destination for camping, hiking, and beachcombing.

The park has several beaches that are known for their beauty and the abundance of beach glass.

Kellys Beach is a particularly good spot for finding beach glass, as the waves tend to wash up a lot of pieces onto the shore.

Grand Manan Island

Grand Manan Island is located off the coast of New Brunswick and is known for its rugged coastline and picturesque fishing villages.

The island is a great place to find beach glass, especially on the beaches on the northern and western shores.

Swallowtail Lighthouse Beach is a popular spot for beachcombing and is known for its large pieces of beach glass.

Fundy Trail Parkway

The Fundy Trail Parkway is a scenic drive that runs along the coast of the Bay of Fundy, from St. Martins to Fundy National Park.

Along the way, there are several beaches and lookout points where you can stop and search for beach glass.

Long Beach, Black Beach, and Third Vault Falls are all popular spots for beachcombing.

How Good is the Beach Glass in New Brunswick?

Unfortunately, there is no observable difference between the glass found on New Brunswick’s beaches and that of other locations in the world.

The only real difference is in the availability of certain types of glass such as pear, amethyst and beige.

In other words, all beach glass from elsewhere can also be found in New Brunswick.

You can also go rockhounding in New Brunswick if you’re looking for another fun outdoor exploration activity.

New Brunswickers are well known for their enthusiastic and creative use of beach glass.

Helpful Tips for Finding Beach Glass

assorted beach glass on ground

There are many things that you can do to increase your finds and chances of beach glass in New Brunswick. Below are some helpful tips for the avid beach glass hunter.

Check the weather

The only way that you’ll be able to find any beach glass is if the beach has just had a storm, or if it’s been raining for several days on end.

You need a lot of water to expose all the white sand, and this means that you need rain or high winds.

Go out into a nearby forest and check which direction the wind is coming from. If you see a lot of trees with broken branches, then chances are that there was heavy wind blowing in from an ocean or bay side direction.

Check the tide charts

When people go out to look for beach glass in New Brunswick, they tend to check the tides as well.

If you visit a beach during low tide, then you’re going to have a tough time finding any quality pieces. Low tides are a great time for you to go explore the edges of New Brunswick’s beaches.

Check for waterfalls

Often times in New Brunswick, you can find high concentrations of beach glass by following the path of small waterfalls or streams that trickle down from nearby hills.

If you see an area around a waterfall that is full of sand and pebbles, then chances are that there will be beach glass there as well.

It’s also important to remember that the glass from these areas is usually smooth and white. If you’re looking for something other than white, then keep on walking.

Check out our post on waterfalls in New Brunswick.

Check for blowholes

You can find a lot of beach glass in New Brunswick if you look hard enough.

Dig through the sand near blowholes and you will definitely find yourself some pieces of glass.

Many times, small pieces of sea glass can get stuck inside small openings that are created by water flowing out of the blowhole at high tide.

If you’re lucky they will stay there until they get covered up with sand again – leaving them exposed forever (or until someone shakes their hand through the sand).

Head down to the water

Of all the places that you should go to find beach glass in New Brunswick, this is one of the best.

Since there have not been many storms lately and no rain has fallen, you can expect there to be a wide variety of beach glass on most parts of New Brunswick’s beach.

If you do end up finding little pieces of sea glass at the base of a blowhole, then that’s even better because now you know that there must be much more just below the surface which will only be exposed after a storm comes through.

There are so many different types of stones and other types of treasures that every person who collects them will have their own way of going about it.

Author: newbrunswick

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